Chemical-Physical Characteristics
ZDHC 3, ECO PASSPORTChemical Constitution
Polyoxyethylene - alkylamine
Physical aspect
Viscous liquid
Ionic Charge
pH (5% solution)
7.5 ± 1
Can be mixed in any ratio with hot and cold water or added directly to treatment baths.
Long bath: 0.8 – 2 g/L
Short bath: 0.5 – 2 %
DISPERSOL 646 is a highly effective dispersing product for all fibers in each dyeing phase. Particularly suitable for dyeing wool-PAC
in one bath, it has the characteristic of leaving the equipment clean.
Leveling agent for dyeing wool and wool blends with 1:2 pre-metallized dyestuffs. Dispersant for the dyeing of synthetic fibers and
their blends with wool or cellulosic fibres.
On denim garments, to improve the cleanliness of the white and to accentuate the “salt & pepper” effect.
Additional info
The above information is only indicative and without guarantee on our part for the use.
Please contact our technicians for assistance and for anything not reported in this document.
The data contained in this sheet are not to be considered specific.
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