Thiourea Dioxide

Importers of Thiourea Dioxide

Daykem is the first and only company in Italy to have registered the substance Thiourea dioxide with ECHA: our Thiourea dioxide is therefore imported with its own REACH number – Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation of Chemicals.

Daykem biossido di tiourea reach


Thiourea dioxide (aminoiminomethanesulphinic acid – CAS 1758-73-2 – EC number 217-157-8) is a chemical compound used mainly as a reducing agent, stabilizer and catalyst in a wide range of industrial processes. Thiourea dioxide is a self-heating substance for which Daykem has equipped itself, over the years, with a storage area specifically designed.
The warehouse was built according to the requirements of ARPAT, ASL and Fire Brigade who certified the correct installation of materials, doors and other closing elements for fire resistance purposes and the compliance of the system with the rules of the art. The warehouse is equipped with anti-panic handles, fire-resistant walls, temperature and humidity control sensors, alarm system and fire alarm. A huge investment to guarantee environmental and stakeholder safety.

Environmental Protection

The regulation establishes a common set of specific obligations for actors in the supply chain, such as manufacturers, importers and downstream users. All chemical substances, with some exceptions, placed on the market as such or in a mixture must be registered. The principle underlying the regulation is “No data, no market”.

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