Chemical-Physical Characteristics
ZDHC 3, ECO PASSPORTChemical constitution
Phosphoric esters and non-ionic surfactants
Ionic charge
Non ionic
Physical aspect
Clear colorless liquid
pH (5% sol.)
5 ± 7
Good with all products
Good with acids, alkalis and hard waters
Long bath: 1-2 g / L
Padding: 2-5 g / L
Prodotto imbibente e disaerante per trattamenti tessili.
DAYSOL 351 acts, both hot and cold, as a wetting agent and a foam deterrent. In the
impregnation processes it allows to obtain a better absorption of the bath even with very beaten
fabrics or with short impregnation times.
DAYSOL 351 can be used in the pre-treatment and bleaching of cellulosic fibers and their blends
with synthetics. It is applicable in dyeing in any equipment.
DAYSOL 351 is compatible with all the usual classes of dyes, but it is advisable to carry out
preliminary tests.
DAYSOL 351 is stable at the usual use concentrations of alkalis, acids and electrolytes.
Additional info
The above information is only indicative and without any guarantee on our part for use.
Please contact our technicians for assistance and for anything not mentioned in this document.
The data contained in this sheet are not to be considered specific.
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