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Prodotti per finissaggio

Caratteristiche Chimico-Fisiche

Aspetto fisico

Polvere bianca

Composizione chimica

Formulato a base di acido amminoimminometansolfonico e disperdenti.

pH (soluz. 5%)

Ca. 4


Buona a 20 °C (migliore in ambiente alcalino)

Informazioni per lo stoccaggio

Conservare in un luogo fresco ed asciutto, lontano da agenti ossidanti.

Dosi d’impiego

– BLUEPREP 851 25 g/l
– SODA SOLVAY 40 g/l

bring the solution to 70°C, let it run for 20′.

Drain the bath and rinse with 10 g/l of BLUEPREP 532.


Blueprep 851 is used for bleaching indigo dyed denim.
Blueprep 851 is a formulation developed for the gradual discharge of indigo and at the same time keeping the pigment in solution so that it does not rise onto the fibre.

Informazioni aggiuntive

The above information is indicative only and without any guarantee on our part for use.
Please contact our technicians for assistance and for anything not reported in this document.
The data contained in this sheet are not to be considered specifications.

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