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Desizing for starchy sizing on Pad-Rol and Pad-Batch equipment.
Auxiliaries of preparation
Enzyme products

Chemical-Physical Characteristics

Chemical constitution

Enzyme protein

Physical aspect

Dark liquid

pH (5% solution)

7 ± 1


With non-ionic products

Storage stability

6 months. Low storage temperatures are recommended.


SBOZZIMANTE 458 is a thermostable alpha-amylase which, used for the desizing of low and medium temperature products
(30-70 ° C), does not damage the textile fibers.


The high stability of the enzyme allows the desizing to be used on any type of desizing machinery.
Pre-wash: if you intend to desize heavy items or with sizes that are difficult to remove (for example rice or wheat-based sizes), a
pre-wash at 80-95 ° C with 0.5 g / L of non-ionic wetting surfactant such as NOVALENE 110 or BIOPAL 150.
Pad-Roll / Pad-Batch: The bath, considering an absorption of 100% (1 kg of fabric absorbs 1 kg of bath), is supplemented with
1-5 g / L of SBOZZIMANTE 458 at a maximum temperature of 70 ° C, at a pH between 6 and 7.5.
In the case of Pad-Batch impregnation, it is advisable to store the fabric for 10/12 hours.
Note: the high temperature increases the rate of enzymatic degradation of the starch, but reduces the stability of the enzyme;
therefore the optimal temperature depends on the time available and on the desizing machine.
Post-washing: the soluble components deriving from the degradation of the size are eliminated at a temperature of 90-95 ° C (or
in any case as high as possible) with 0.5 – 1 g / L of BIOPAL type detergent; to improve washing efficiency, 5-10 g / L of solvent
soda can be added to the bath.

Additional info

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