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Auxiliary agent for discharging dyes and prints with vat, sulfur, direct and reactive dyes with sequestering action.
Auxiliaries for dyeing
Auxiliaries of preparation

Chemical-Physical Characteristics

Chemical constitution

Polyvinylpyrrolidone in aqueous solution

Physical aspect

Straw yellow liquid



pH (5% solution)

7 ± 1.5


Soluble in cold water

Storage stability

Stable under normal storage conditions. Protect from frost


The use of EGALIN 816 allows to obtain:
– the complete elimination of unfixed dyes;
– perfectly clean white backgrounds even with very intense tones and high coverage;
– sharp drawings without color smudging;
– very bright colors.
During strong scouring: 4 – 20 g / L
During washing: 2 – 10 g / L


EGALIN 816 is a solution of a synthetic polymer with a high capacity to disperse and maintain in solution different
classes of dyes during the unloading, post-dyeing and print washing operations.
EGALIN 816 is used if you want to eliminate excess color.

EGALIN 816, due to its high dispersing power against dyes, keeps them in solution and prevents them from re-
depositing on the fiber, this ability is completed by the suspending and sequestering power of the phosphonic



The use of EGALIN 816 allows to obtain:
– the complete elimination of unfixed dyes;
– perfectly clean white backgrounds even with very intense tones and high coverage;
– sharp drawings without color smudging;
– very bright colors.
During strong scouring: 4 – 20 g / L
During washing: 2 – 10 g / L

Additional info

The above information is only indicative and without any guarantee on our part for use.
Please contact our technicians for assistance and for anything not mentioned in this document.
The data contained in this sheet are not to be considered specific.

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